Friday, August 28, 2009

So Many Songs For This Family!!

Lola's song was pretty easy and obvious (to me, at least). See if you can guess what it is before you click on the link. :)

And I haven't been able to stop singing Yellow's song since I met him!

I'm certain there are tons of great songs with "Billie" or "Willie" in them that I could've sung to Millie, but, sadly, this was all I could think about at the time. Sorry for the lame song, Millie. But it is true that ooh, ooh, ooh I love you.

I'm also sorry that you got a rash on your leg that made you feel bad. :( But I'm glad you found my pillow and blanket comforting and that our walk perked you up and made you happy for a little while!

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